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Ground Penetrating Radar

Non Conductible Utilities: Locating non-conductible utilities such as plastic and concrete storm drains or sewer lines can be difficult. These non- conductible utilities frequently result in project delays and unplanned costs. Traditional methods based on backhoe excavation and inaccurate as-built drawings have been unreliable, to say the least. APS has found a cost effective solution.


Non-Conductible Locating: In addition to APS' standard underground utility locating services, APS now provides a variety of methods to locate and mark non-conductible utilities. Storm water, sewer, spare conduits, crushed conduits and stub-outs now can be accurately located using fiberglass push-rods with attached trace wire and/or transmitting "Sonde's" using multiple frequencies. APS equipment includes 120' to 1000' fiberglass rods with diameters of 3/8" to 9/16" and an assortment of electronic Sonde's for almost any operation. This cost effective solution to locating non-conductible utilities is becoming a great benefit in APS' efforts at damage prevention. APS also uses environmentally safe dye tablets as a method of locating pipes.




  • Underground Storage Tanks

  • AC Water Mains

  • Radiant Floor Heating Lines

  • Rebar and PT Cable Scanning

  • Concrete Floor and Wall Scanning

  • Clear Boring Locations


Underground Storage Tanks (UST’S)

Utilizing GPR can accurately pinpoint underground storage tanks (UST’s) to help determine their size and orientation. Shown to the left is a “screen shot” of a typical view of two UST’s in the sub surface. Finding the edges of the UST’s is very helpful when drilling for environmental studies.


Locating Underground Utilities

GPR can be useful in locating buried utilities, including storm and sewer.  GPR is also useful in clearing boring locations of unknown or otherwise unlocatable utilities.         

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